Monday, April 18, 2011


Today, I watched the talk from Elder Steven E. Snow. His talk was on hope. He said he grew up in Utah and his ward would pray and even fast for rain. One day, there was a old man, and his 5 year old grandchild. They were at a store, and this stranger walked  up to them, pointed at a small cloud, and said, "Think it's going to rain?" The old man said "I sure do hope. But not for me. For the boy. I've already seen rain."  Another story was that this old woman had 8 children. One of them ran out of money and had to move to Utah. Even though he didn't have much money, he still payed for his mother to cross the plains. She was 72, and she made it half way when she died. Elder Snow said that she died with here facing towards Utah. She was really dedicated to getting all the way there.

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