Friday, March 4, 2011

Have I ever gone camping?

Yes, I have been camping before. I'll tell about my time I went camping at Wind Cave. It was about a scout camp out so a lot of kids were there. It was a mile hike to the cave, and when we got there, it was so dark, I couldn't see anything. I set up, and around 1:30 I fell asleep. We got up at 6 in the morning and went running. When we saw the trail we were walking on last night, we were surprised. It was about 1-2 1/2 feet big! When we went went cave exploring, we found a freshwater stream, so clean, you could see individual pebbles. At the end of the cave, we had to crawl through a hole that was only 3 feet tall. Then, we had to climb a huge hill to get on the right trail. The hike back to the car was the worst! Cave exploring really tires you out. It was bad enough that we had to walk a mile back but then we had to be carrying a 10-30 pound backpack and a sleeping bag all the way, over logs and up hills. It was fun, though.

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