Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gulliver's Travels

I just finished 30 pages in my book so now I am blogging. Well... Gulliver was on a ship and it tipped and when he was unconcious, he was spotted and brought to shore. Only, it wasn't normal people. They were super small. Their town was named Lilliput. When he woke up, they were standing on him and he "Roared so loudly, some fell off and got hurt." The king put him in jail with some other people. The "other people" in jail were tied up. Gulliver picked them up, and put them in his coat pocket. Exept one. That one, he pretended to eat. But, he just cut the ropes that tied them up. The man that he pretended to eat, he was so scared, he hid in a corner and didn't come out for a week. The king made Gulliver work, and he did. He obeyed the king. He was also really good, hoping the king would realese him for good behavior. Well, eventually, it payed off. Gulliver is free, kind of. He always has gaurds around him, and if he tries anything bad, they will shoot him and stab him.

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