Friday, February 18, 2011

Did you have childhood hidout? Describe it.

My neighbor, Tyler Stetka,  had a trampoliene. It was dug into a hole so it wouldn't blow away. There was one spring missing. We were just small enough to fit through the hole. Under the "tramp" as we used to call it, there was our chairs, a TV that you crank to watch, and a steel box to keep food. Since there was food, there were ants. Since there was ants, there was antholes. Since there was antholes, we were forced out. We created another one, it was in a cornfield. We had to jump over the canal, and go through a really hard maze, and then climb a hill. Once there, we got to eat corn, and drink water from a bucket. It was so cool, until one day, the corn was harvested and we got into trouble for eating the farmer's corn.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha. That is funny! I never knew about the corn hideout. What a great memory!
